The Benefits of Peanut Oil Refining

Post time:2015-11-11

Peanut Oil Refining has many benefits for us....

peanut oil refining .jpgPeanut Oil Refining is very popular today, and the peanut oil refining also has many benefits.


Peanut oil refining is light yellow transparent, bright color, fragrant smell, taste delicious, is a relatively easy digestion of edible oil. Peanut oil refining containing unsaturated fatty acids 80% or more (including oleic acid 41.2%, linoleic acid 37.6%). It also contains palmitic acid, stearic acid and arachidic acid and other unsaturated fatty acids 19.9%.


From the above contents, the composition of the fatty acids in peanut oil refining is relatively good, and it is easy to digest and absorb. According to foreign information, the use of peanut oil refining can make the body's cholesterol into bile acids and excreted, thereby reducing the plasma cholesterol levels. In addition, peanut oil refining also contains a substance, such as, wheat germ phenol, lecithin, vitamin E, choline, etc. Regular consumption of peanut oil refining can prevent the skin wrinkle aging, protect the vessel wall, prevent thrombosis, help prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Choline in peanut oil, but also to improve the memory of the human brain, to slow down brain function decline.

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