Four Requirements for Oil Processing Equipment Maintenance

Post time:2015-10-19

This article mainly introduce the maintenance of the oil processing equipment. ...

oil processing equipment maintenance.jpg The oil processing equipment maintenance is an important part of the operate working, it can maintain the normal state of  the oil processing equipment, and extend the service life.

 There are four requirements for oil processing equipment maintenance:

 1.Neat. Tools, work pieces, accessories placed in neat; Safety protection device is complete; Line pipeline integrity.
 2.Cleaning. Cleaning the internal and external of the oil processing equipment; the sliding surface and screw, gear rack, no  oil, no scratches; all parts of the leakage, leakage, leakage, leakage; chip garbage cleaning.
 3.Lubricating. Giving and changing the oil to meet the requirements of fuel oil. Oil pot, oil gun, oil cup, linoleum, oil line  cleaning is complete, the oil mark bright, smooth circuit.
4.Safety. The implementation of a fixed set of machines and transfer workers system; Familiar with the equipment structure and operation regulations, the use of equipment, careful maintenance of equipment, to prevent accidents.

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