How to Extract Oil From Plants From Oilseeds?

Post time:2014-07-29

How to Extract Oil From Plants From Oilseeds? Professional expert shares the oil extraction process to readers....

Vegetable oil is important to our daily life. Oil extraction is one of the most part in the oil making process. How to extract oil from plants from oilseeds? That can be divided into three steps as follow:
1. Prepare oilseeds for making oil.

2. Remove oilseeds shells, husks, skins, finally leaving oilseed kernel only. For example, if you want to extract corn oil, remove the corn from husk and skin from the kernel.

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3. Grind your oilseeds using a coffee grinder or food processor set on “Fine” for one minute.
If large chunks or whole pieces remain, repeat the process. Lay your ground seeds flat onto a cookie sheet and heat them in the oven at 350 degrees for about 5 to 10 minutes or until lightly toasted. This will cause oils in the seeds to rise to the surface to be extracted. If you are using olives, skip the toasting step and instead mix the paste with a large spoon over a very low flame for a period of 20 to 30 minutes to draw out as much oil as possible prior to pressing.

4. Press the oilseeds to extract the oil with a standard hand-held kitchen press.

Essential oil is a valued component of plants. It is used in cosmetics, aromatherapy and medicine. Pressurized stem extracts the volatile plant oils. The steam then cools into a liquid that contains both essential oil and the water used to extract it. This process, known as "distilling," is the same procedure used to make distilled alcoholic beverages.

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